Buddha Baby

Human Design Coach


Ways I can guide you on your journey

Motherhood looks different for everyone, some days are filled with a joy so pure, it takes you by complete surprise. Other days, you question everything. Am I good enough? Are they happy? Could I be doing more? You should never have to parent from a place of fear, self-doubt and anxiety.

By tapping into your innate gifts, energy and unique magic – as well as your child’s – you’ll have a new set of holistic tools that can guide you on your journey. For those low days, high days and everything in between.

Human Design

Choose to understand your chart, for a deeper understanding of how to parent in a way that flows with your core essence.


How I can help

Fascinated by a range of holistic healing modalities. I’m a certified Human Design Reader, Chakra Coach and Energy Healer.

Everything I offer, combines these complementary practices to help you unlock your truest nature and your child’s, to nurture the bond between you and align your parenting style to each individuals unique power.


I thought I had parenting nailed after my first child.

But, then I was gifted a different type of child, one that came with a different set of challenges.

My son’s special needs threw everything I thought I knew about motherhood out of the window.

I could no longer ‘wing it’, or fumble through as a high-functioning, neurotic mum. Something had to give.

That drive to do better, for myself and my family, sent me on a holistic path which has led me to this moment, right now, sharing my story with you today.

Now a mother of three, I approach motherhood through an energetic lens.

I used spiritual awareness as a parenting tool for all my children, understanding how their innate unique differences each require a unique approach.

I soon realised there wasn’t a book or medical expert that could give me the answers I needed to parent.

The answers came from within.

I guide other mothers, who feel like they’ve lost their way and want to restore the balance.

What you need to know is already there, etched into your soul. Waiting for you to unlock it

Client testimonial –

“I found that Trish was extremely dedicated and very in tune as she listened and really helped me to feel seen and heard. She is extremely professional and knowledgable, that combined with her empathy and understanding makes her a great coach.” – Karen